O metaverso vs a potência da presença

Lucia Santaella Although it seems like an unprecedented novelty, the metaverse follows the continuity of the immersion processes that began to be rehearsed since the advent of the internet and the immersive navigation flows of users in cyberspace.The growing technological increase, after the first steps of Second Life, places us today on the verge of … Continue lendo O metaverso vs a potência da presença

Preocupações acerca do futuro da educação: desafios do ensino superior na Era das tecnologias digitais

Por Arlete Aparecida Mathias -  Abstract - Education, especially higher education, is going through challenges and crises inthe face of the phygital universe and innovations in digital technologies nowadays. Therefore,the purpose of this contribution shows some analyses and strategies debates from experts, scholars, among others, who are rethinking about the reconfiguration of the university, professor … Continue lendo Preocupações acerca do futuro da educação: desafios do ensino superior na Era das tecnologias digitais


Por Lucia Santaella A new type of reader is being born.Following the theory that was developed on the semiotic-cognitive profiles of the four previous types of readers – contemplative, moving, immersive and ubiquitous (Santaella 2004, 2018) – a fifth type of reader now emerges that I am calling ITERATIVE. In this article, his/her profile is … Continue lendo IA GENERATIVA E O PERFIL SEMIÓTICO-COGNITIVO DO LEITOR ITERATIVO

IA potencializa riscos de uma sociedade em que “parecer honesto” se torna mais importante que “ser honesto”

Por Paulo Silvestre Abstract: Artificial intelligence is emerging as a new digital tool available for being used to distort reality for political purposes. Different power groups already use social networks to identify desires and fears of significant portions of the population, to shape their speeches and deliver what each individual wants to hear, thanks to … Continue lendo IA potencializa riscos de uma sociedade em que “parecer honesto” se torna mais importante que “ser honesto”

Carlos Alberto Scolari: alfabetismo (trans)media, la evolución de los grandes ecosistemas tecnológicos y mediatización

Entrevista con Carlos Alberto Scolari. Profesor y coordinador del Programa de Doctorado en Comunicación de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) - Barcelona - España, Grupo de Investigación MEDIUM Por Thaïs Helena Falcão Botelho. Estudiante de doctorado en Tecnologías de Inteligencia y Design Digital de la PUC-SP - Brasil, becaria de la CAPES como investigadora en … Continue lendo Carlos Alberto Scolari: alfabetismo (trans)media, la evolución de los grandes ecosistemas tecnológicos y mediatización

Skyrim para sempre: IA generativa e criação de conteúdo para jogos

Por Marcelo de Mattos Salgado Abstract: This text explores a little of the path of content creation — lands, dungeons, quests, items and even NPCs (non-player characters) and monsters — in digital RPG games and how technologies have advanced from simpler algorithms in the 1990s (and even before) to the generative AI up to 2023. … Continue lendo Skyrim para sempre: IA generativa e criação de conteúdo para jogos